WIP Wednesday: Rerun
Okay, seriously. Working on one secret project for two straight weeks makes for some BOR-ing WIP posts. Sorry! I promise there will be more to see here next week. Although I'm pretty sure I said the same thing last week. In the meantime, please enjoy some lovely recycled photos. (But you loved them so much that you can't wait to see them again, right?)
Secret project - I finished the blocks tonight, so I just need to put the top together and make the back, and it will be off to the long-arm quilter.
Completed tops awaiting quilting:
No progress:
• Halloween quilt (Yes, I am stubbornly still intending to work on this as soon as I get half a chance—if I don't, I'll just be in the same boat next year!)

• Farmer's Wife QA (*sigh*—still on hold)
• Skill Builder QA (ditto)
• Kaleidoscope QA
• Figgy Pudding quilt
• Wonky Log Cabin
This week's stats:
Completed projects - 0
New projects - 0
Currently in progress - 10
Okay, give me what you've got! Link up your WIPs below, and have a productive week.