Original Supernova quilt
Okay, get your fainting couches ready ...
My Original Supernova quilt is finally finished! Only fourteen months after I started it.
Tomorrow marks a whole year of WIP Wednesday linky posts. One year! And I thought, what better way to celebrate than to haul out one of my longest-term WIPs and actually finish the darn thing? Also motivating was a hilarious comment from Eryn on last week's WIP Wednesday that if I didn't finish off the Original Supernova soon, she was going to find out where I live and swipe it. Well, here it is Eryn—swiper no swiping!
The front is made up entirely of Hope Valley prints by Denyse Schmidt, Kona Snow as the background, and Kona Stone for the star "extenders" and binding.
I pieced this differently than the method I used for my Supernova quilt-along. Original Supernova is pieced entirely from squares and HSTs. It is also much smaller than my QA Supernova—Original Sup is 48" square, with each Supernova block finishing at 12" square.
I came up with the alternate way of piecing this for the quilt-along to eliminate the HSTs and give people fewer squares to piece. But I think there are benefits to this method as well. I definitely recommend this method if you have a lot of directional fabric, because the other way requires a lot of advance planning to coordinate the direction of the prints. If I were going to make this quilt again, I think I'd go back to this original method, but I would increase the size like I did for the QA, and I would use Thangles to piece the HSTs.

Speaking of Thangles, I have to add one more thing to this post: Check out this a-MAZ-ing pillow made by Amy. These are the TINIEST Supernova blocks EVER! Each block measures just 7", with each teeny square 1" finished! Amazing! She used Thangles for her piecing as well.
Anyway, I'm so happy to have Original Supernova in the "finished" column at long last. The top has actually been done for just under one full year. It's also worth noting that this is my 10th finished full-size quilt of the year—I just need to complete two more by the end of the year to meet my goal of 12 quilts in 2011! Woo hoo!
Be sure to come back tomorrow for my big anniversary celebration of WIP Wednesday. There will be a giveaway for everyone who links up, and a special "retrospective". You won't want to miss it!