WIP Wednesday: Still plugging away
I feel like a broken record lately, since I seem to be working on the same projects, week after week. But I'm nearing the finish line on two of them:

I settled on this soft neutral Pearl Bracelet print for the binding on Bloom Bloom Pow, and am busy hand-stitching away right now! Bloom Bloom Pow is headed for Spring Quilt Market in Portland and needs to be shipped tomorrow, so I've got to wrap it up!

And I'm still slowly chipping away at the quilting on my Diamond Tread quilt. I finished the angled lines going in one direction and marked the lines going in the opposite direction with painter's tape. I'm hoping the end result will be kind of a plaid look. Can't wait to get back to this when Bloom Bloom Pow is finished.

And I whipped up a couple of flags for Boston, which I'll post about in the next few days. I was so thrilled to read that these flags will be displayed at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts! What an amazing display that will be.
What are you working on this week? Share your WIPs! Here are the linky rules:
1. Link up any post from the past week that features at least one unfinished work-in-progress (WIP).
2. Somewhere in your post, you must link back here to my blog. (Or grab the WIP Wednesday button for your sidebar.)
3. Comment on at least a few of the other WIP Wednesday links.
Have a great week!