WIP Wednesday #35
Hey! I did some stuff this week. : ) Okay, no finishes. But progress, nonetheless.New project:
Don't Call Me Betsy's Kaleidoscope Quilt-AlongI cut fabric for this one, slapped it up on my design wall, and ... yellow light. Proceed with caution. It's just so freaking yellow. I know, I know—what did I expect after cutting up a yard and a half of the yellow print? Excellent question. But either way, I don't know how I feel about this. It's not that I don't like it ... it's just not what I envisioned. Nor does it go with any room in my house. Like, at all. But do those things really matter? Another excellent question. I'm going to keep pondering for another day or two. In the meantime, any and all design suggestions are welcome. (Click here for more info on Elizabeth's quilt-along.)
Ongoing projects:Warm/Cool Quilt - currently being quiltedYeah! I'm quilting! That means a finish may be eminent! Try not to keel over from the shock of it!Farmer's Wife Quilt-Along - currently caught upClick here for this week's blocks.Skill Builder Sampler Quilt-Along - currently caught upNo block this week—Leila gave us an optional design-your-own-block challenge, but I'm sitting it out.Completed tops awaiting quilting:Hope Valley (the original Supernova)Completed quilts awaiting binding:Modern Meadow - Ugh. Still.No progress:Secret project (on hold while I reconsider fabric selections)Figgy Pudding quiltWonky Log CabinThis week's stats:New projects - 1Completed projects - 0Currently in progress - 11I think you all know the drill, but just in case: Link back here, and comment away. We've had two weeks in a row of 99 link-ups—come on, we just need one more to hit 100! Help us reach triple digits! Happy Wednesday, everyone.P.S. Be sure to come back tomorrow, when it will be go time for my GO! Baby giveaway! : )