February Bee Blocks
Do. Good Stitches: Rachel asked for wonky stars in pinks, reds, and whites. Knowing my tendency to under-wonk, I set out to purposely overdo the wonk here. However much my instincts told me to wonk, I doubled that. And you know what? It worked like a charm! I'm finally happy with my wonkiness. And how much do you love that red background?
I based my second Do. Good Stitches block on this one from Flickr.
{Sew} Beautiful: Emily asked for drunk love blocks on the other end of the spectrum, with no intentional wonkiness. So, mission accomplished: All wonkiness seen above was most certainly not intentional. : )
And finally, this isn't really a bee block, but Jenny of Cut. Sew. Iron. Repeat recently put out a call for cross blocks to be included in a quilt for an AIDS fundraiser. Since I had my red fabric out for my Do. Good Stitches block, I whipped up one for that project as well.